Data Delivery


SF Markets end of day data products are available to subscribing clients via our FTP site. 

For access to the FTP site, please contact us at


Data Package List   

  • Index Close: Displays component data for an index at the close of a trading day.
  • Index Open: Displays component data for an index at the start of the next trading day, including adjustments for any corporate actions/events.
  • CAC T+1Displays component corporate actions for an index that are effective the next trading day.
  • CAC T+5Displays component corporate actions for an index that are effective over the next 5 trading days.
  • Corporate Event Window: Displays component corporate actions and events for the entire SFNG Equity index series effective over the next 90 trading days.
  • Index Level FileDisplays Price, Gross and Net return end of day index values in multiple currencies. This file also contains performance figures, divisors, market capitalization, component count, etc.
  • Draft ListMonthly data file that depicts possible changes in the composition of an index at the next review as well as replacements for securities deleted intra-review from an index.
  • Index History: Displays history calculation for indices. Packages of 1, 5 and 10 years are available.
  • Review Data Files: Data products highlighting all changes to SF Markets indices at each periodic review. Includes additions, deletions, shares and free-float changes, capping factors etc.
  • Sector & Exchange File: Month-end file that depicts sector classification for components as well as Market Identifier Codes (MIC) information.
  • Factsheets: Daily factsheets that display key information on SF Markets indices like index features, statistics, fundamental & analytics, sector breakdowns etc.